September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi fellow readers!

    Tis the season of reading horror and I have a couple of the classics by Mr. King on hold at my library. (Misery, Salems Lot, The Stand, Pet Semetery) Unforunately, since its October many of his popular books are already being read and by the time I get my hands on them, it will likely be past October (not that I mind, love me some horror books year round).
    So I’m looking for a king novel that is underrated or overlooked. He has such a large catlog – I know there is an underappreciated beauty somewhere! Please help!! Brief story descriptions appreciated!

    by ViPlaysGames


    1. The Long Walk, which he wrote as Bachman, is my favorite book of his. Think Hunger Games, but everyone just has to walk until they die.

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