October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Reading is supposed to be a fun activity where people can enjoy what they want when they want and school just completely destroys that first they make you read a certain book that’d like 100 years old and has little to no interest for you then they put deadlines on finishing the book causing you to have to read it in a certain time frame then they force you to annotate it.

    Forcing kids to read is the one thing that makes us hate to read. Maybe a kid would love to read but only epic fantasy or horror or Sci fi but never realized that he liked to read those because school made him read “to kill a mockingbird” and he hated it. Or maybe a kid loves to read but always gets anxious because of a deadline that he needs to make.

    School has made it so that most kids will never pick up a book again after graduation and that makes me sad because there are so many worlds universes even in books with so many characters that have so much depth to them betrayel love sacrifice magic adventure and so much of it will go into obscurity because school crushes the love of reading out of students

    School would be so much better if instead of forcing kids to read a singular book and having a deadline to finish it just have them pick out a book that they find interesting then have them write about what they think of the book or what they think is going to happen next. Let them decide what they write about the book lwt them decide how they want to read it have them decide what genres they like or what authors they like.

    Edit: I’ve read most of the comments and can tell that most people don’t agree with me on this and I respect all your opinions I may be a bit biased with this opinion because what got me into reading is my teacher giving us the option to read what we wanted and do a project on it and it was the first time I actually had fun reading so I may be a bit dumb for using my experience on a large scale

    by squidonculous

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