September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    As the title states I just finished Devolution by Max Brooks and my God I loved every single part of it. The unique characters, the slow buildup and that overall sense of survival. I’d personally give it a 10/10 as a life long bigfoot fanatic.

    This is actually the first book I’ve ever finished and I’m very satisfied. Next on my list is World War Z which my wonderful girlfriend bought me for Christmas and which I actually listened to on audiobook back when I was 10 in 2009.

    Now I’m just longing for more creature stories.

    I have the following books on my list right now:

    -UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites

    -David Paulides’s Missing 411 series.

    Does anyone have any other entries they’d like to recommend? It doesn’t necessarily have to be horror, it can solely be a mystery as well.

    by Freeman_Goldshonnie

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