September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I feel like reading is regarded as a much more intellectual hobby than say, watching tv, even though some of the books you might read could easily be TV series or movies. Why do you think that is? If someone is reading books on business, personal growth, science, etc than I can see how that would be a brainer hobby than watching TV since you’re learning something, but what about fiction?

    My feeling about it is that it’s because reading stimulates your brain, whereas TV mutes your brain (more or less). Although you might be reading a story, your brain has to create the imagery and has thoughts and feelings about the characters and plot. It’s also a quiet hobby, which creates more stillness in one’s life. I also think that really good books can cause to ponder topics or situations in new ways. It opens us. Whereas I feel like TV is more about entertainment and doesn’t often spark new, lasting thoughts within me. And the director is giving us their version of the imagery, characters, etc, which minimizes our own imagination.

    What do you think? Is reading a “noble” hobby? Why?

    by prayingmantis333

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