September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Sooooooo I really wanna do this galentines thing for my friends and I’m having a lot of trouble finding a good book to do it!!!

    What I’m planning is finding a good book about 3 best friends, and annotating copies for my 2 friends when one of the characters or the dynamics remind me of them. However, I legit cannot find a good book for this so I wanted to come on here and ask if anyone knows of anything????

    The specifics are literally just this:
    -3 girl best friends
    -no love story between the best friends, I.E no love triangles or one friend falls for another friend, bc as far as I know that isn’t our vibe
    -a feel-good type of book if possible!!!

    I’ve found books like The Ballerinas and Can We Still Be Friends but they don’t quite fit the bill as well as I’d like them to.

    Any suggestions???

    by Wonderful_Pool8625

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