September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So keep in mind everything I write here is based off what I see on Goodreads in terms of reviews and ratings. Freida McFadden is an author who has been putting up to two or three books a year, usually all thrillers or mysteries. These books all have ratings around 4.1-4.3 which is extremely high. And it’s not just a few it’s pretty much all of them. Yet I never hear anyone talk about her books? Two of them were nominated for best mystery of the year on Goodreads and one even won, yet I didn’t hear anyone talk about it this year from who I follow on YouTube. No one I follow has even mentioned one of her books and I feel like that’s weird considering the online following she has

    This is a weird post I know but I guess what I’m getting down to is how an author can publish so many stories in such a short amount of time and all of them having such high rating.

    by non_stop_disko

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