July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Okay this might sound silly but I am so bored reading the genres that I generally wolfed in days. Hence, I wanted to read something different.

    I have read a lot of ww2 books and mythology (Indian, Nordic, Chinese, Greek)

    The last five books I read( in desc order of date read) are as under:

    1. If this a man/The Truce
    2. Short stories by Satyajit Ray
    3. Mrityunjay
    4. Persepolis (reread)
    5. Godan by Premchand

    Apart from this, I also wanted to get out of the culture bubble that I have stuck to for a really long time, like, Indian, American, German, Middle eastern, Chinese and move on to some roads less travelled. Something from other parts of the world that introduce me to new cultures.

    Hope it helps! Please feel free to ask me questions.

    PS: I don’t really enjoy too much philosophy, non fiction books are welcome but I like them when they have a story to tell 🙂

    PPS: I have read two books on medicine and I quite enjoyed them, so if there are suggestions in that field I would love it, it’s gene machine by Venki Ramakrishnan and The Gene by Sidharth Mukherjee. They have a story style of telling and was not very technical.

    I don’t mind venturing in different fields of the world, as long as it can hold my interest.

    Sorry for this kind of confusing post and thank you for all the suggestions you guys might have! Each and everyone is appreciated!


    by Princess_dipshit

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