September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Lent a book I had by Kant to a coworker who had taken an interest. I had highlighted sections throughout half the book and intended to do the rest when I got it back. He gave it back to me and had highlighted all kinds of stuff and written in it. I ended up ripping it in half and giving him the latter half, saying if it was important enough for him to needlessly vandalize my property he could just keep it and I’d buy the back half of the book from somewhere. Then he defended it, by saying he highlighted things he thought I might like. I told him I might need to borrow his car so I can spray paint some dicks on it because I think he might like those too. I’m not normally a confrontational person. But he fucked up my personal copy of Kant.

    by vlad-nosferatu

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