September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve listened to three separate audiobooks about Humility, Personal Finance, and Mindfulness. And if you’d told me they were all written by the same author, I’d believe you.

    The books start with a general overview of the topic along with some key concepts that gets your mind thinking. Then it dives into the author’s personal backstory where you learn of their high-class upbringing and many achievements as an esteemed university alumni (ironic for the humility book). They own homes, keep an orchard, attend fancy parties, travel the world, or whatever else that personally developing people probably can’t relate to. Then their lavish lifestyle is reconnected back to the topics of the book.

    They then go in depth into the specifics of their topics. They ALWAYS present these topics as if you were a standard white-collar office worker for some megacorp. Don’t you just *hate* attending those overly-long meetings or got an underling that’s just not performed at 100%? Well, they spare no effort in convincing you how being a humble, mindful, financially literate individual can save you from being exposed as a middle-management phonie.

    I know the majority of readers will probably be priveledged and hold a business degree but c’mon, would it kill you to be more varied in your presentations? Especially if the topic is about finance where I’d rather follow the journey of a rags-to-well-off individual that combated the capitalistic hellscape by making soundful decisions that I may one-day like to emulate.

    by Cool-Lengthiness5104

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