July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I hope this isn’t against the rules but I am a 21m attempting to break bad habits of being on my phone/gaming all the time. I notice I have trouble sleeping due to scrolling for hours or watching something. I play too many games for hours every day. This all makes me feel like I am not doing anything good for my brain or my health. The only books I’ve read are To Kill a Mockingbird or other school instructed ones. Is there any recommendations on which book I should start with? Or genres maybe?

    (I should mention that I am bed bound due to a surgery and that has increased the hours I am taking in gaming/being on my phone. The reason I didn’t start with this though is because I most likely would still be doing the same if I was in good health as I’ve always repeated this cycle of using electronics. Books aren’t going to be the only thing to improve my life but I would still like to point out my situation for the personalized recommendations)

    by OOSHARK00

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