September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I love reading and I share my love often with my work bestie. Often people join our little talks and tell me how they’re so surprised that I have actual time to read.
    And honestly I hardly have. I only read in my break at work. But it’s enough for me. Sometimes I don’t have the psychological capacity so I just don’t read. But you’ll have always time to read.
    If you see reading as a task, you’ll never have time to read.
    But if you really like it and maybe even need it, you’ll always make time.
    So don’t think you’re not as intellectual as other people just because you read five or less books a year.
    Many people think I’m smart because I read a lot but I’m just an idiot that needs to escape the real world for 30 mins everyday ❤

    by Fluffy_U

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