July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I don’t really have any examples. I would prefer if it was based in reality, really tired of fantasy/sci fi. I think the closest things I can think of are Flowers for Algernon and Fight Club. I have ADHD and find it really hard to get through a book if I don’t get that “I’m staying up all night to finish this” feeling.

    Also, with great respect, I find sometimes authors *think* they are ready to write a deep, thought provoking book, but can kind of come across as a high school essay that went 3 pages over the word count to impress their teacher.

    Also – this is contentious, but I would prefer if it were a male author. I’m sorry. I read a lot of books by women and I love them, but sometimes one wants to read from the perspective of their shared sex. Happy for suggestions that aren’t men, as I know that is a weird line in the sand, I’m just pretty tired of “women writing men” tropes. If you are a woman I’m sure you understand the inverse here.

    by pookie7890

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