July 2024
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    Ive read all the books by my favourite Authors
    Salman Rushdie, Albert Camus, Milan kundera, Kafka and George Orwell please suggest me good novels or authors
    Ive read All the major works of dostoevsky and Proust too so anything or anyone except that

    by Professional_Put1494


    1. OhSoManyQuestions on

      You may enjoy some of the Russian classics. Try **The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov**, or some of Chekhov’s stories. When it comes to classics, **The Count of Monte Cristo** is always an easy rec too. It sounds like you may also find value in **Brave New World**, and **I Am Legend by Richard Matheson**.

      It’s a bit different to the authors you’ve mentioned, but I always like to recommend people give Isaac Asimov a try! You could start with **I, Robot** for a quick flavour, or jump straight into one of the longer novels. **The Caves of Steel/The Naked Sun/The Robots of Dawn** are detective-sci-fi hybrids, or you could go for The Foundation series (I haven’t personally read TF yet, so can’t give you any more info, but I see it recommended often).

    2. Dazzling-Ad4701 on

      I read a bit of Rushdie and thought he was the middle East’s answer to John Irving. try the cider house rules or the world according to garp.

    3. Beneficial_Ice_2861 on

      New Authors: Ismail Kadare, Bukowski, you might like Michael Ondaatje), short stories of Gogol are good too. Paul Astor is very Kafka, as well.

      Individual books:

      Their Eyes Were Watching God – Hurston

      Good Man is Hard to Find – O’Conner

      The History of Love – Krauss

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