I’m looking for books for a 14 y/o girl. Her interest is mostly fantasy/sci fi other world stuff. Though I let her borrow a book from my childhood (an 18 Pine Street book) and she liked it even though it was old. 😒 She liked that it was normal Black stuff. Like her real life.
I’ve been trying to find something similar written in this decade. But kind of not finding what I’m looking for. Is there a collection/series of books that would be similar to what she borrowed? It was kind of like SVH/BSC but with Black stuff (how I described it when my sister gave it to me)
I’d prefer books that are not centered on trauma. She likes fantasy because it’s not what’s happening on the news. So not ‘The Hate You Give’ type books. More in the area of mean girls, boys/crushes, parents just don’t understand me, my boobs are too small, OMG prom, body image….Of course as a Black teen, she has been followed around the store and has had a racist teacher or two, so normal Black experiences like that are fine.
But not the ones, as she says, beats her over the head with childhood trauma.
Would appreciate any recommendations or just pointing me in the right direction.
by Far_Chocolate9743