July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So far, I’ve read the Murderbot series, Klara and the Sun and Ancillary Justice.

    If there’s any books where AI characters either secretly pretend to be human or gradually learn human emotions, that would be even better. Thanks for reading.

    by ChromeOrigin


    1. It’s a graphic novel, but maybe Ghost in the Shell? The protagonist is an android cop who starts questioning things related to identity, technology, stuff like that.

    2. Reading We are Legion right now and it’s kind of similar.

      First two chapters spoilers:

      >! The protagonist is from modern times but has their brain frozen on death, they wake up 100 years later after being turned into an AI with no biological parts and are tasked with running space projects !<

    3. The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers includes a prominent AI, as does its sequel the name of which has entirely exited my brain

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