September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    If anyone has read this book and has any other recommendations of similar titles I’d appreciate it! I read it about 1.5 years ago and it got me out of my reading funk. I’m in a reading funk again and hoping a similar book will help me out of it again!

    Things I liked about it:

    – It wasn’t linear. You were piecing it together bit by bit the whole time.

    – Family was manipulative and crafty. They were scummy. Not nice.

    – It was a mystery (which brother is in the coffin???)

    – It was not romantic or funny or lighthearted.

    – The drama was fairly low stakes. In that I mean it’s just a family involved – it isn’t “bigger than it is”, you know? Like no war is going to be fought over this, no big scary government involvement or BBEG, etc. Just intense family drama.

    – Realistic fiction.

    – If you read “If We Were Villains” you might understand it had similar vibes to that. But I enjoyed it more.

    – If you read “Never Ask Me”, which is also a family drama, by Jeff Abbot that is absolutely not what I’m looking for. That book was a drag. I think it was too preachy for me? Not complex enough. And almost too “light”. I want something a bit heavier if that makes sense.

    Thanks for any suggestions you have!

    by cinnamontoastshark

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