September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    This book shows that fame truly makes you delusional. It doesn’t seem like Matthew ever properly worked the AA program–you’re supposed to stay single for 1 year at least to work on yourself and his concern seems to be mostly who he’s fucking. He peppers in some “spiritual experiences” and then quickly goes back to drugs or alcohol. Also, whether he ever stops certain substances is confusing and I think that’s because he really doesn’t stop. This book was good for me as a recovering alcoholic because it shows how people can become obsessed with their own petty problems and become a lifetime victim. It also shows how the famous elite don’t get the tough love they need to survive. Matthew was born into elitism, so as he said about his parents, I don’t think he ever had a chance. Also, he’s so deluded about money I can’t even begin to unpack that. I feel so lucky to be a normal person with alcoholism. He quotes Amy Winehouse saying that she couldn’t enjoy her Grammy unless she was drunk. I get that, I felt I couldn’t enjoy anything without alcohol. Then I practiced not drinking every day for a year and it got better and after 2 years, even better. Now I know that drugs and alcohol don’t improve anything. Being sober and not drinking takes practice and Matthew Perry never practiced. He had to be the star of the show and couldn’t even fathom what humility is and so unsurprisingly, his life ended the way it did.

    by These_Tomatillo5277

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