September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello! I’m in need of some self-help book suggestions for one of my good girl friends who is going through a hard time. She has been feeling lost and directionless. She has not recovered from her break up from a year ago and she feels lonely. It seems like she is using the breakup as a marker for time, and she feels like she hasn’t seen any positive change in herself since. I think this might be due to her not taking time for herself, meaning after the break up, she was still seeing her ex for 6months and then when they finally went no contact, she was already interested and speaking to another guy.

    Please don’t take this post as me asking for a book so that I don’t have to deal with her personally. We have always bonded over books and it would be beneficial for her to see someone else giving advice rather than me.

    Thank you all in advance!

    by kaiyatran

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