July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    hello everyone,

    tldr: looking for book recommendations that can fill up a gaping void in my life??

    I have been feeling a little down since a while and winters is just adding to it. Perhaps this is got to do something with being in early 20s? Always been a perfectionist over-achiever but anxiety and sadness is just creeping on? I feel like I am waiting for something to come/happen but I don’t know what it is (this just feels like a rant at this point).

    Reading these books have made me feel better atleast for a while and I’m looking for something on similar lines: Days at the Morisaki Bookstore, Never Let Me Go, Ghosts. {currently reading- everything I know about love}

    keep warm in these harsh winters <33 thankyou!

    by Careful-Mind-7867

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