July 2024
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    Dostoevsky’s books are quite popular amongst philosophy lovers. I’m also a little enthusiast of philosophy but reading a book is a big time investment. Before i dive into dostoevsky I want to know is it worth reading and would like to know your thoughts on dostoevsky who have read his work.

    by pik_ashu


    1. Ireallyamthisshallow on

      They’re worth reading if you’re interested in reading them. Books don’t typically remain popular 150 years after their publishing if they’re shit.

    2. Worth reading? Of course, he’s regarded as one of the greatest authors ever. That’s no guarantee you’ll like his books but they’re certainly worth trying.

    3. I’ve only read Crime and Punishment so far. I loved it. I want to read The Idiot and The Brothers Karamazov.

      Crime and Punishment would have been great even if I had done no reflection, but I realized while reading it that it’s the inspiration for SO MUCH fiction produced since its publication. I think that’s cool 😎

    4. ye_olde_green_eyes on

      No. You know his name over a hundred years later because his writing is overrated.

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