July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I wasn’t happy when I saw that they are rebooting Harry Potter on HBO Max. The only reason I can think of that they would want to remake it is because they know it would be successful and they would make tons of money. I think the movies were great and they won’t be able to get a better cast than they had before such as Michael Gambon, Maggie Smith, Alan Rickman, Emma Watson, etc. And I know the remake will be lots of CGI and gimmicky special effects like the Fantastic Beasts films. They have such an opportunity to expand the Wizarding World universe by making films about the Marauders or the founders of Hogwarts but instead are just going to retell the same HP story that we’ve already seen before. Not everything that’s popular has to be rebooted or remade. Sometimes things should just exist as they are and be appreciated.

    by pumpkinbookmagic

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