September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Spoilers for hyperion and up to book 6 of first law.

    Does anyone know the name of the trope when a character is given a name and a vague description, only to later be revealed to be a character we met earlier with a different name? Obviously this can’t work in any visual media, cause then the face of the character would be the same.

    Joe Abercrombie does this three times so far, with Pike, Shenkt, and Lamb. It’s kind of getting old at this point, tbh.

    Dan Simmons does this in fall of hyperion, with Rachel/Moneta.

    And so that there’s some interesting discussion: what do you guys think of the trope? What are your favorite and least favorite examples of it?

    by Randomguy4285

    1 Comment

    1. It depends on the reveal. In The First Law series it’s usually “Two aliases, one character” since the reader is rarely in a position to put two and two together. Sanderson does this a few times, too, but his characters are all unique enough that you as the reader can usually sniff it out even if the characters in the story can’t.

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