July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m not particularly educated, but I read a lot. At the moment it’s mostly sci-fi but I decided to branch out my reading to broaden and educate my mind.

    I’ve only really heard of a few of these things. I’ve heard of Shakespeare and Tennyson and read a little of their stuff. I’ve heard of Aristotle and I think a John locke(?) But I don’t really know where to start with either of those.

    I’d like a list of 10-30+ of plays, classic novels, noted works on Philosophy, History and Politics for me to work my way through and to read to broaden my mind.

    Thank you so much!

    by Lonely_Chipmunk_8986


    1. A History of Knowledge by Charles Van Doren (the quiz show cheat) served me well enough as a crash course in knowing who the great thinkers were

    2. Find a list and work through it, I’d say.





      [fivebooks.com](https://fivebooks.com) also has great recommendations in different fields.

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