July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    There was a book I randomly read many years back, and I borrowed it from my local library. It had a yellow cover with a small cutout in the middle, and upon opening the book, the cutout was some sort of black and white spiral/staircase. The story followed a mother and son who moved to a new area. The mother was invited by the neighbor to come by and be welcomed to the neighborhood. The son saw the house as strange, off-putting and secluded. He was in a large garden area of the house and I believe he met another young boy who may or may not have been an apparition. The most vivid detail I can recall, is when the son was going up the staircase in the strange house. There were haunting portraits of old-timey people and while he was ascending, the portraits became alive and watched him as he moved. I remember that well because I had a nightmare about it and that’s the one detail that remains clear in my mind. I tried to go back to that library and look for it, but they’ve moved everything around following an interior makeover. Pretty sure I’ll never find it again.

    by Dooboberacks

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