September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m looking for a book to get for my boyfriend that will really excite him. His favourite authors are Henry Miller, Nobakov, Burroughs…

    His bookshelf is full of these writers and writers of a similar nature. Lots of Bukowski, Anais Nin, Kerouac, Camus, Jean Genet to name a few.
    He’s also a musician and painter so he likes to read books by writers outside of his general interest but whose life stories are often also nipped with tragedy and have dedicated themselves to their art. He’s recently read two of Bourdains books and loved them, so please don’t feel that you can’t suggest something distantly related to the idea I’ve described if you feel it holds a core similarity.

    Any suggestions really greatly appreciated.

    by breadgal1

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