September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am currently curled up looking at my sweet five month old. I love to read, but my severe post partum anxiety has adjusted my taste a bit.
    I’m looking for a book that reads easily, my brain is a little zappy lately. But, I don’t want to be a shallow read. I’m looking for something with depth and nourishment. Something that feels wholesome, but not sticky sweet. I think I want a book that embodies the LOTR quote about there being good in the world that is worth fighting for. It needs to have a compelling plot to keep my scattered and sleep deprived attention. Help! The world feels so heavy to me lately.

    by mcguffin9000


    1. Caleb_Trask19 on

      Foster by Claire Keegan. It’s a novella with a straightforward propulsive story with no twists or puzzles. The Irish movie The Quiet Girl that was up for an Oscar this year in foreign
      language was adapted from it.

    2. salledattente on

      I have a few ideas depending in what you’re looking for, this is my favourite type of book!

      Psalm for the Wild Built reads like a warm hug. The Travelling Cat Chronicles and Sweet Bean Paste are both lovely stories about friendship and connection.

      Do you read much non fiction? I recently enjoyed Gather by Richard van Camp. Braiding Sweetgrass is also fabulous and you can read it in chunks.

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