September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Okay, so as a lover of the genre I figured it was high time I finally read the holy grail of vampire novels— Dracula. I am just a little over 100 pages in (which is taking me forever given that the pages of the copy I have are a bit wider than usual), and… I am so very bored with it. Possible spoilers for what I’ve read so far, and I’ll put my request for no spoilers on what I haven’t read (even though I obviously know how the tale goes lol).

    I was initially excited by the fact that it was told in journals, letters, etc., but I’ve quickly become annoyed by that. It makes me feel so detached from the story, like an outsider looking in (perhaps that was Stoker’s intention?) as opposed to engulfed in the story as it happens, which is my favorite part of reading. It also makes the action less… action-y, and the lengthy descriptions of scenery and lunches a complete and utter bore when that’s actually something I would have enjoyed elsewhere (tell me, don’t show! I’m lazy lol).

    Am I the only one who feels this way? Does it get any better? The chapter I finished on was when Renfield was brought back to the asylum. The next to read is a letter from oblivious Mina to Lucy the blood bank.

    Sigh. I’m so disappointed.

    by Mobius8321

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