July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Just finished Beartown, feel like my heart is torn apart. Every story Fredrick tells has a person I really really love. I keep wishing the best for them throughout the story. This time I put all my blessings on Benjamin, so it really feel like stabbing a knife in my heart when Benji broke up with the bass player and things didn’t work out between him and Kevin in the end.
    “You can’t get other friends like those you had when you were fifteen” that’s what the story says. But Benji and Kevin drifted apart. I felt even more terrible reading this than when I myself broke up with my ten-year friend. I can’t imagine how awful it must’ve hurt losing childhood friend and lover at once. I can’t sleep at night thinking about this. My heart is brutally pulled out from my chest and stamped on the ground. I love Benji so much I hope he gets everything he wants in the end. I hope everything turns out just as good as he deserves. I’m crying out loud.
    I couldn’t understand……The story said when Benji and Kevin met at their island “Kevin wanted proof to say that everything will be just as it was. And when the best friends’ eyes met, they both knew that it would.”I utterly thought that things would work out between them and they would again be best friends, especially when Kevin yelled out “I NEED YOU”, but it didn’t. I was so sad, so desperate, and so heartbroken when I again and again see Benji pressing all his weight onto his broken foot to make the pain in his heart mild. I cried out loud……

    by MaggieMeggg

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