July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Been reading Motherthing and liked how the MC was really weird and mad but such a sweetheart (keep in mind I haven’t finished it) Any other characters like this because all “insane” leads end up being murderers, who’s insane but good? Room by Emma Donoghue also had this vibe

    by madmagazines


    1. AuntieDawnsKitchen on

      Doctorow’s “Eastern Standard Tribe”

      Trigger alert for threatened pencil self-lobotomy

    2. SlightlyBadderBunny on

      I don;t know if this counts as a “book,” but there is a fairly compact finished manga series called “Homunculus” that seems to fit the bill a little?

      I mean he kills a lot, but they are monsters.

      Probably. Maybe – if his narration is to be believed.

    3. Maybe Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine? She didn’t kill anyone but she’s a bit unhinged but she’s not a bad person.

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