September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Bit of context before I begin ( swear it’s important)

    So essentially I [M] have had this weird, on again- off again relationship with a very close friend of mine [F]. We have always had a mutual interest in each other but we would only be romantically entangled for around a week or two because I would cut it off because I was worried (long story, mental health/ a whole list of problems in my life+I was worried I would lose her friendship if we ever broke up)This continued for a period of months. However I never stopped liking her. Currently I am sorting though the issues I mentioned before and feel a lot better/ am less nervous about everything, so I would like to pursue a romantic involvement with her again, but right now she is seeing some other guy that she meet a week ago, and has told me that what we had was over and that she gave me enough chances. This is where the book part comes in. She loves to read,as do I, but we differ in genre approval, specifically romance. She fuckin eats that shit up. I was wondering if there was any recommendations for a romance novel that mirrors our current situation that I could give some sort of a subtle/unspoken hail mary in order to get her back. If she notices and wants me back, then great, if she doesn’t then I will never pursue any romantic involvement with her again, I just wanted to do something very subtle without outright saying that I am still in love with her. Any help would be appreciated.

    by docotor_sex_753

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