September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    As the title says, I would love to read some books that help me dig deeper into the world of Formula 1 racing. I saw a few online like, How to build a car by Andrew Newey, and another one was called Total Competition. But I am confused about which one to get first.

    Anyone who has read such books before please recommend. And if you have read How to build a car, please give a review on what type of book it is.

    Thank you.

    by Swordain

    1 Comment

    1. *The Limit: Life and Death on the 1961 Grand Prix Circuit* by Michael Cannell

      *Faster: How a Jewish Driver, an American Heiress, and a Legendary Car Beat Hitler’s Best* by Neal Bascomb (Grand Prix racing was Formula One’s predecessor)

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