July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I won it at my office holiday party.

    For years I’ve read e-books through Libby on my iPhone or iPad. So when I won the kobo I thought ah, well. Seems like a waste as I have a device. I don’t really want to pay for e-books. A coworker asked me how I liked it at lunch the next week, and I mentioned I hadn’t unboxed it yet because the process of getting books onto it seemed costly and tedious.

    She seemed surprised because we often discuss how much we love Libby, so she said “why don’t you connect it to your library account?” And like a fool, I said: “I didn’t know they did that now.”

    See, years and years and years ago I worked for a popular bookstore chain in Canada, when the kobo was first introduced. I remembered being annoyed at the concept because you had to *connect it to your laptop/desktop* and *import books you’d buy from online bookstores.* Sure, you could pirate books, but why not just take them out from the library or buy a copy?

    As I got older I kept buying and reading paper books, and then I got an iPad and saw that my library offered Libby. Neat, okay, I can take that on vacation.

    It hasn’t occurred to me that ereaders have caught up with technology and that I can connect it to my library. I went home that night, booted it up, set up an account, logged into my library, and was struck dumb.

    Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of books just waiting for me. It’s light so it doesn’t hurt to hold for too long like my iPad. It can slip into my purse. It has a dark mode so I don’t bother my husband at night. I don’t get distracted on reddit.

    I’ve always eschewed the ereader. Even as a book lover. I’m so sorry. I was so dumb for so long. I’m a convert. I even purchased the remote control page turner and the gooseneck stand. I’ve crushed 7 books in the same amount of days.

    (Also – I LOVE MY LIBRARY!!!!)

    by monstersof-men

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