July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Its a book that toys with human emotions, a passionate love story between two humans mind you that draws you ever so clearly until it takes a place inside your mind for quite a while. This is story of individuals in raw unadulterated love, the feeling of vulnerability oozes out of the book in many magnificent scenes of togetherness. Its not so much as the book not manages to captures the intimacy between the couple well but its true excellence lies in letting us in the moment of togetherness perfectly. I personally didn’t feel a spectator of the events but can actually feel the warmth of the love between them.

    The book is easily one of the books that I ever read, it also can server as the template of How to write a romantic book perfectly . The book is best as it front loads in letting us know the emotions as experienced by our characters efficiently and subtly, its the emotions that instantly feels relatable to us as we the humans deals with same insecurities, thoughts, ideas and capacity to love. The book in more than occasions may stop you in tracks as it hits too close to home.

    Its a book that dosent want to please you for the sake of plot and characters, it really isnt oblivious of the dynamism of the real world and is acutely aware of our dissonance in dealing with life and the relationship

    The life is unfair, sometime grossly unfair even more so when people themselves are flawed, all of them trying to find their identity in world and maybe find that someone for which the life seems a lot more tolerable and pleasure to share the life with.

    They say we all are different but in the end we are just sane people harboring the same anxiety and feelings. This results in a lot of intricacy where nothing is certain and things are liable to get completely destroyed in the blink of the eye. Even with the feeling that these complications are involved , people do love each other selflessly and unconditionally. The book is a story of one such couple

    Ending the book left me in a state of cluttered emotions, all I could think about the inexplicable sadness of the book, the fallacy of humans minds in love yet deeply grateful to read story about two individuals inexplicably finding each other , they couldn’t have been more different and yet with them together one cant picture them separate.

    I think it should be must read

    by Sunapr1

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