September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I forget how I came across this book, whether I saw a movie being mentioned or it just came up under my Amazon recommendations, but it’s pretty interesting so far.

    The author seems to be a little satirical about hyper-intellectualism and I already know some of the story from having read a little too much blurbage before I read the book. But it’s interesting.

    I’m about 20% through and I just had a really gut-wrenching moment that prompted me to post here. I think I wanted to commiserate with someone.

    The main character’s mother is older and senile. She does not remember everything but she seems present. Her adult daughter is a professional and takes care of the mother. The daughter (Lisa) is killed because someone didn’t like the work she was doing. The cops go to the house to tell the mother her daughter is dead. With the mom’s senility, it doesn’t register and the mom calls the housekeeper to make sure that the information is registered properly. Then the mom just walks upstairs like nothing happened – and this after learning that the adult daughter who has been taking care of her for years has been killed. But it just doesn’t get through the mom’s dementia.

    It was really gut-wrenching. Really sad.

    by DD_playerandDM

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