September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Silly question maybe, but growing up I used to read constantly. It got less during university and today with Reddit, Netflix and Co I haven’t read books for a while.
    Now I found out there is a sequel to one of my favourite book series and I started reading it from the beginning again. But it is hard.
    I have no patience, eyes jumping around, I often have to read sentences or whole paragraphs again because I did not pay attention. Even though the story is enthralling, I find myself looking on my phone regularly on the side.

    I blame this on the way I am used to consume media, always having new stimuli in an instant and usually several at once. I assume it just takes time to adapt to books again which for the moment my brain considers to be lame and monotonous, but maybe there are some tips or experiences you can share?
    Thanks a lot.

    by Eudaemonus

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