I’m searching for a book. I don’t know if it exists, but I hope it does. I daydreamed about something like this, so I’ll just ask around if something like it is somewhere out there. It’s kind of specific, but with the number of books around these days, my chances aren’t too bad.
I’m mostly focused on the setting of the book, although the way of writing is also somewhat important.
The book has a same style like The Alchemist of Paulo Coelho, but instead of a shepherd in the south of Spain, it’s a sculptor in Ancient Greece.
What he does, who he is and where he is are all questions that I can perhaps answer if needed. But I don’t think you want it anymore specific than that. The main target is a sculptor, whether a learned one or apprentice, in Ancient Greece focusing on his craft.
Anyone know a book that checks the list ?
by Ok_Reception1137