September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I was finishing a Stephen King book, The long walk, and I was so bored I skimmed to the end. I thought the themes were interesting, so why did I not care about what happened to anyone? I realised I didn’t relate to the main character, and more so I just didn’t *like* any characters, and this is true across all his books. I didn’t finish The Stand because I hated everyone in it. 11.22.63 I highly enjoyed the action, and overall loved the book, but didn’t care for the main character. Some of his other books I didn’t finish a long time ago.

    His characters are very male and very American, and being neither I find it hard to relate to their perspectives and thought patterns, *but* I haven’t found this issue with other authors (and I’ve read a lot of Chuck Palahniuk).

    I have never been emotionally grabbed by a Stephen King character. Can anyone relate? I am wondering if I have picked up the wrong books or if I should take it to mean he’s not my style and I should stop bothering with him. Is he consistent across his books?

    by zucchini3016

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