September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    When I was a teen my mom gave me a book called Even If It Kills Me by Dorothy Joan Harris that effectively made me terrified of developing anorexia or bulimia. In it a teen girl becomes anorexic and eventually lands herself in the hospital, extremely sick, and ends up seeing her roommate die of an exercise induced heart attack after being made to eat again. It had all the nitty gritty terrifying details, how it affects your body and mind, what the consequences can be. Nothing unrealistic just cold hard facts woven into a story.

    I’m looking for something similiar but about teen pregnancy. No happy ending where she has the baby and they live happily ever after. I want reality crashing down, risks for the baby, risks for the mom, impacts on relationships, long term effects physically and emotionally. Essentially something that would terrify you about becoming pregnant as a young teen, nothing supernatural or anything, just real life consequences.

    by Old_Bee4502

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