July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I want to read books like mistborn or the fifth season where the world is incredibly screwed up and the entire arching mystery is what happened to make it that way

    MILD Spoilers ahead

    Like in the broken earth trilogy, the mystery of the floating gems being revealed and it actually being a huge part of the plot was brilliant. Or in mistborn the actual origin of their magic system and again how their planet came to have such an insane weather system being revealed at the end.

    Yeah so esentially really mysterious world building that actually pays off and isn’t just explained as oh the world is like this because it just is. Also the reveal can not be predictable.

    No YA.

    by fuvvmuch


    1. Winterblade1980 on

      A Nightmare’s Point of View by April Kuper.
      Sci-fi Dark Fantasy about a Nightmarish monster his (mostly) his point of view. (Don’t let the cover fool you, he’s the good guy 😉)

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