July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So I’m way far ahead of time, but I want to get my boyfriend a book for Christmas.
    He has raging adhd and has never been a reader in his 30 years on earth haha. I on the other hand have was born and raised to read lol.
    So since we started dating some months ago, he has been wanting to get into reading – and what helps him focus and actually remember what he reads, is to read out loud. So we have this routine where he just reads out loud to me and it’s the most wholesome thing ever.
    The first book that we have just now finished this morning together is Circe by Madeline Miller, recommended by me as I consider it quite an easy read and Greek mythology feels like quite general interest. He did enjoy it!
    We haven’t decided for our next read yet, but I know I want to get him a book for Christmas already, but I don’t really know what. I don’t want to overwhelm him with a super heavy book, but still get him something good and exciting.
    I would say we’re open for most genres, as long as it’s not too heavy of a read! Please throw me some good just-getting-into-reading books<3

    by 4ngelinaballerina


    1. I really liked The Lonesome Gods by Louis L’Amour recently. Maybe save this one for 5th read when he is more comfortable with reading again, though. It can be very introspective.

    2. *Endurance: Shackleton’s Incredible Voyage* –Alfred Lansing

      and I suggest you read *Stolen Focus* by Johann Hari to see if it’s applicable.

    3. thisisausergayme on

      That’s so sweet! Does your boyfriend like sci fi or fantasy? That’s most of what my recs are tbh

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