October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi! I’ve been having a reader’s block for a long, long time and I’d like to change it. During the last months, I’ve also been more into neonoir stories (Se7en, Pulp Fiction, Zodiac, Constantine, some Batman comics, etc… Can Cyberpunk be added here as well?) and I think that a small book, with an engaging plot or characters inside that genre, might help.

    My requirements:

    –Insta hook
    –Show not tell. I want actual scenes, not info dumps
    –Between 160-270 pages aprox (otherwise it will intimidate me into oblivion 😖😖😖)
    –Plus points if there’s some kind of fantasy or sci-fi involved
    –I kind of want a bit of an asian/urban vibe, if that’s ok to ask 😅 Especially if there’s fantasy involved so that either chinese, japanese, korean (or whichever) mythologies come into play! 😆

    I don’t know if I’m asking for too much, and this requirements aren’t mandatory, btw, they’re just a small guide. If there’s a short neonoir book at the tip of your tongue that you think is excellent, please, feel free to suggest It!

    by MO_Ann

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