July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    A lot of people say they’d like to get into reading but don’t know how and I think the best advice I could give for those people is to approach it as you would physical exercise; some people can run a marathon yet it’s through training over a long period of time which gets them to that point. If you want to read a huge book, you’re going to need to read it in short bursts or start off on short stories first. The other thing is that, if you can’t run, then you should walk – approach small texts and take your time, but try to work on spacing your reading sessions out. I used to only read on the night and then not throughout the day, so my comprehension suffered. You should practice putting a book down, then picking it back up after ten minutes. It takes more self will than just reading for an hour straight or something and you’re physically training yourself to be able to pick the book up at any time.

    I also read multiple books at once. I find you should have a ‘fun’ book, maybe one you’ve read before, which you can read before picking up the text you need to tackle. It gets you into the mindset of reading itself but reading the harder text will be better because of this approach. Think of it like going from warm water to hot water rather than just jumping into a boiling hot shower. I really want more people to read so if you have questions don’t hesitate to ask.

    by Sproutykins

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