September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    **Guardians of Olympus**



    *By: Star\_the\_kaeya\_main*


    ***“P****erses, my dear,” I heard a voice as my vision cleared, I found myself in an empty castle throne room with only two figures standing at two thrones. I walked closer, and the two figures got clearer, a woman with ebony black hair silky smooth, tied up down to her waist. The ends of which were the color of the night sky, and I could see twinkling stars shimmering at her edges. She was in the embrace of a man, with pale, ghostly skin, he had a golden laurel wreath, with a glowing obsidian gem. He was wearing a Greek black robe similar to Hades, yet more…purely dark, and almost destructive. “Yes my love?” I noticed the woman’s form was almost holographic, it glitched, unnaturally and she was almost see-through like a spirit. “I must confess something to you…” The woman let go of the man’s hand and stepped down the marble steps. “The Olympians have…visited my Island, last night, the messenger god and his sister, my niece, Artemis, had visited me. They came with a request from Lord Zeus, for my full power,” She admitted with some sorrow.*

    *“W-What did you say?” The man asked, now worried.*

    *“My love…, They said it was for the guardian,” She said.*


    *“In hopes…In hopes that she would be of good use,” She continued, they found an ancestor for her, they are blessing her life line with Nebula, after finding the future bearer they used an ancestor capable,” She explained.*

    *“I must…give up my spirit to give all my power, as I did give up my physical form for my safety,” She said.*

    *“What are you talking about my dear! You must be lying my love, you know…you understand that this…this is destructive! They’re…They’re destroying our love don’t you see?” The man pleaded.*

    *“Just like he did all those eons ago, I promise you I will-”*

    *“Shh…It’s for the fate of this world that I must give up living,” The woman said.*

    *“Perses, my dear, you understand what the oracle said about stars, when they announced the second, now I know my fate is clear,” She said.*

    *“And the Stars aligned that I shall finally give to good causes,” She spoke so calmly…so calmly about her death.*

    *“But-” The man stopped himself. “How must our love diminish like this? And you’ll leave Hecate? She’s old now, yes , but you’ll leave her too?” He choked back a sob.*


    *“Hecate is wise beyond comprehension, she’s mastered magic, she’s within Hades court, she will sustain herself.*

    *And you, you are the personification Destruction, you will be okay, you will be distraught, but this will be for the fate of this world,” She assured.*

    *She sighed, and a spear appeared in her hand, “Alas, when immortals are faced with an end so clear, it is beyond mortal bonds…we may be unkillable to mortal factors…but there are things even gods fear. And when faced with death…I guess I have but to fear the uncertainty for being transferred…I’ll be in the land of the Mist, where lost gods go,” She paused and turned above, to the sky, the throne room didn’t have a roof, the stars were exposed in glimmering glory.*

    *She started to dance with the spear in her hand, and the stars in the room started to turn, shaping different waves of light. Before finally, holding the translucent spear in her hand, she held it to her chest, and instantly burst into mist. The god, Perses ran towards the mist as it materialized into a single crystal, in the shape of a star that seemed to radiate a pure feeling, like a wish, an aspiration of hope. “Asteria…my dear,” He took the-*


    *-crystal to his chest and sobbed.*

    *“You see now, my lover is distraught, and in pain of heartbreak, and he gave my power to Zeus that same night,” A voice said to me.*

    *“I am Asteria, the goddess of Stars, and I was his hope, the hope in destruction, I was his wish. And you…you my little guardian, will be the wish, the wish for Humanity, the wish for Olympus. Do not fail me, my dear,” The voice echoed. My vision went blank before I could reply and I woke up in a cold sweat.*


    by Star_the_kaeya_main

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