July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just just managed to get my Wife back into reading and am looking for suggestions for books for us to read. Their favorite book series was Harry Potter, until Rowling went a little transphobic.

    Recently we have been reading the Cradle series by Will Wight and we just started the Theone of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas. Other books they have enjoyed in the past include The Mercy Thompson series, the Percy Jackson series, or Can’t Spell Tea Without Treason.

    We are hopefully looking for books that have some stakes in them but are more adult themed, as in away from the YA (though feel free to add any YA books or series just please tag them as such).

    The one and only true caveat is that the books must have a happy ending (like the title).
    Cozy books like Legends and lattes are fine examples of good endings. Brandon Sanderson’s 1st Mistborn series however is … not. They absolutely loved the book but once they learned about the end of the third book they were … less thrilled. (I am still going to try to get them to read the Wax and Wayne series). Side characters can die but if a main POV character does then the book probably isn’t ok.

    by Ceranworb

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