July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    What reading projects are you planning for next year? For the future? Past projects are welcome as well of course.

    A lot of focus is put on number goals but those types of achievements don’t really result in interesting conversations. Yearly or longer term reading projects seem like an interesting avenue to explore. I’ve got a few projects going at the moment, a few finished and several more planned.

    Next year:

    Virginia Woolf’s novels, a biography, and some of her diaries and essays.

    African history, I’ve accumulated 20+ books on the history of Africa to explore next year. This year I read a few about Sudan because of the renewed outbreak of war. Next year I plan to finally get around to learning a decent amount African history.

    Spanish Civil War novels and histories. I noticed I randomly had a lot of novels centered around the Spanish Civil War so I sought out a few more and picked up a few histories, a mini project for 2024.

    Long term:

    Ishiguro – reading all his novels in order, but no timeframe

    Djuna Barnes – reading everything she wrote, seeking out all the analysis and biographies I can find. She’s the most compelling author I’ve come across so it makes sense to dive into the analysis end of reading with her work.


    Dostoevsky – read all his novels available in Everyman’s Library editions

    Cormac McCarthy – read all of his novels

    China – finishing up the last of my year of Chinese History

    by BinstonBirchill

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