September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello All,

    I am looking for a classical fantasy story with a hero going on an adventure, finding mythical beasts/dragons along the way, exploring unknown areas. Magic should be mystical, not rule based like that in Sanderson’s books. Straight out of the writer’s imagination.

    Obviously the best example is the Hobbit and the LotR.

    However, my personal favorite and the best example of what I am looking at is the Eragon series here, it was the first fantasy book that I read growing up and I ended up completing the entire 4 books. It has all the elements I love, a hero rising from obscurity to fame, going on an adventure, making friends, getting his own dragon (Loved the Saphira – Eragon relationship, it matured from an egg to an everlasting bond), loved the magic as well.

    Example of what I am not looking for — I tried Mistborn and completed the first book, however, while amazing, it is not for me. The magic is rule based and the setting is entirely in a city, not a medieval fantasy world which I am looking for. Also, it’s main focus are human characters and relationship between them, a different theme from what I described above in Eragon.

    Completed series would be good but I am fine with currently running ones too. I thought about starting Wheel of Time but I am unsure as it is too long and I don’t know if it contains the elements I am looking for.

    by Ani-lvl99


    1. Dunno if you’ve tried either the *Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn* books by Tad Williams or the *Riftwar* series by Ray Feist but there’s a lot of shared DNA with Eragon there

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