July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    To be clear, I’m not asking which writers’ books you prefer. Rather the way they write their stories in general.

    If I had to describe each writer’s style, I’d say Tolkien’s is more “correct” while Herbert’s is more “rebellious”.

    I remember reading somewhere that Tolkien hinted at some point that he disliked the way Herbert wrote the dune series. Which does make sense since he was a university teacher and knew how to bend and twist the English language to his will.

    While I really like Tolkien’s world and books in general, I adore Herbert’s writing style. Many times I had to read twice or more some sentences because they were so grammatically dense. If someone here studies or is very involved in literature can correct me if I’m wrong but I think Herbert’s writing is fantastic. Not because it is “correct” but perhaps many times it isn’t.

    You’ll never find a wrong sentence in Tolkien’s books, everything is polished and sparkling and everytime I read one of his books everything was very easy to read. Which, again, makes complete sense since his books were aimed for every age.

    What do you guys think? Would love to hear your thoughts.

    by SpoinRoin

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