July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I feel like im enjoying reading comics more than i do books. Im a book lover, i started reading obviously with books with plain text, i wrote books when i was little for fun and i love reading just plain text. But im starting to like reading comics, especially manga (japanese graphic novels) and webtoons (can be considered Manhwa too because is mostly from south korea) more than reading books with plain texts. Im starting to prioritize reading comic books over plain text books.

    I don’t know if im starting to lose concentration when reading books with plain text, but reading comic books is so much faster and comfortable for me. Maybe it is because i don’t have to be imagining the texts on my mind because every scene, every character, every situation, every thought and every move is drawn beautifully in those pages (depending on the artist, i have read some comics where the artstyle is just…. bad), doing everything for me while i enjoy the story. Not only reading graphic novels is faster, is better visually and you get to remember chapters more easily because every image and customized text is in your brain.

    Another thing i really enjoy about manga (and most asian comics) specifically is that the author/writter is the one drawing the pages too, they are the artist and the writer. That makes me feel more connected and closer with the creator of the book i am reading. With western comics is a little different because there’s usually the writer and a different person doing the drawing for the pages. In that case i prefer manga more than western comics.

    If it is reading, comics are books too, im not losing the privilege or ability of reading / to read, im saying this because there’s people that think that reading comic books/graphic novels is lesser, and i will tell you that i have read some graphic novels that are infinite times better than most of the books i have read, even better than some of my favorite books. I feel more comfortable reading with images, drawings and paint art. But i still love books with plain texts at the end of the day, but my priority on reading books like that is fading away the more i read graphic novels.

    I don’t know if some people are starting to feel the same way as me, but i have seen some booktubers and people that i knew that were only about plain text books switching to manga/comic books in general or reading comic books and plain text books at the same time prioritizing the two of those. Is happening in the entertainment industry too, most entertainment companies (from hollywood mostly) are relying more on comic books in the present day more than in the past with superhero movies, anime adaptations (which come from the manga), action movies (a lot of action movies are coming from western indie comics), videogames coming from manga, western anime, etc. Comics in general are selling a lot more than books too (especially manga)

    by Jarethjr

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