September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    so, I’ve been a big fan of Billy Martin’s (formerly known as Poppy Z. Brite)writing most of my life. _Lost Souls_, _Drawing Blood_ and _Wormwood_ stay on my nightstand, and I’m sure I’ll reread them into oblivion. _Exquisite Corpse_ rocked my world as well, but I haven’t been able to reread it, for obvious reasons I’m sure I don’t have to go into.

    Martin’s later _Liquour_ novels I haven’t touched, mainly because the more _reality_ tinged stories are, the less I tend to be interested. so, in a really roundabout way, I wanted to ask-

    for my fellow Brite readers our there, have any of you read _Plastic Jesus_? I recently got my hands on a copy. I’m aware the story is essentially thinly veiled Beatles fanfiction, and I find that hella fascinating, but that it’s one of those more reality based Brite stories puts me somewhat on edge.

    have any of you read it? if so, what do you make of it?



    by bloodhoney17

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