September 2024
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    What’s a book you wish you could plagiarize?

    I hate plagiarism. I’m a high school English teacher and I consider plagiarism to be among the worst things one can do academically and, for it being unbelievably lazy and, it infuriates me.

    Hbomberguy just put out an incredibly detailed YouTube video surrounding plagiarism and it made me consider my own writing.

    I get an emotion sometimes where I feel an intense jealousy for the writing choices of others and I find myself wishing I could have had that idea first. I want to know your examples and if you’ve ever felt that.

    Some instances of me feeling that emotion:

    The ending of Dance, Dance by Haruki Murakami literally made me cry. So tense, so impactful, I loved it.

    The twist at the end of Mrs. Dalloway surrounding Septimus was so good I instantly called a friend and told them.

    I wish I could have written One Art by Elizabeth Bishop. It’s heartbreaking in such a quiet, subtle way. It’s got the same feeling as the Thoreau quote where he talks about how men often lead lives of quiet desperation and die with a song still in them.

    Let me know what you think!

    by BurnerMcNeverPost

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